The PTO Executive Board currently has two vacancies. We are accepting nominations for Secretary and Vice President to fill these vacancies. (Note: the PTO bylaws require that nominees to the positions of President and Treasurer must have served on the Board for at least one year prior to their nomination.) The Executive Board meets regularly once a month throughout the year (in addition to the general PTO meetings), or more frequently if needed. Executive Board meetings are typically held on a weekday evening, depending on the Board members’ availability.
Duties of the offices include:
Vice President: Assists with organizing volunteers and events, or with other activities as needed. Attends PTO fundraisers and events as needed. Conducts meetings in the President’s absence.
Secretary: Keeps minutes of all meetings, writes letters/emails, creates flyers, and maintains a record of correspondence. Also maintains the PTO website, email account, listserve, and social media.
Nominations for these Executive Board positions must be returned by November 1. If more than one nomination is received for the open positions, a vote will be held at the November 14 PTO meeting (6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria).
If you would like to be considered for a position, please print this form and return to school, or email us with the information requested on the form.
Duties of the offices include:
Vice President: Assists with organizing volunteers and events, or with other activities as needed. Attends PTO fundraisers and events as needed. Conducts meetings in the President’s absence.
Secretary: Keeps minutes of all meetings, writes letters/emails, creates flyers, and maintains a record of correspondence. Also maintains the PTO website, email account, listserve, and social media.
Nominations for these Executive Board positions must be returned by November 1. If more than one nomination is received for the open positions, a vote will be held at the November 14 PTO meeting (6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria).
If you would like to be considered for a position, please print this form and return to school, or email us with the information requested on the form.