As expressed in our bylaws, the purpose of the Huntington School PTO is:
Read the Bylaws of the Huntington School PTO.
2023-2024 Huntington School PTO Executive Board
Ann Yarka, President
Nick Heffron, Treasurer
Dorothy Dermott, Secretary
- Provide educational support for families and increase family involvement in their child(ren)’s education.
- Serve as an avenue of communication between the school administration, teachers, and families.
- To enhance the educational facilities and supply resources that are not provided for in the school budget.
- To provide enrichment opportunities such as extracurricular activities through organizational and financial support.
- Organize events to benefit the school community as well as the neighboring community.
Read the Bylaws of the Huntington School PTO.
2023-2024 Huntington School PTO Executive Board
Ann Yarka, President
Nick Heffron, Treasurer
Dorothy Dermott, Secretary